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How To Install Geeklog 1.3.11

What is Geeklog?

Geeklog is a content management system (CMS) which you can use to create your own web site community. You or your registered users can add news or blog entries, manage a forum, add polls, calendars, web links and lots more.


To use Geeklog, you need to be sure your CGI account is set up. Please see How To Request A CGI Account for more information. You may also need to have a MySQL account set up if the script accesses a MySQL database. Most PHP-based scripts require this. Please see How To Request A MySQL Database. You will also need to download a copy of Geeklog. The version used in this tutorial was Geeklog 1.3.11. Geeklog is provided in a gzipped tar archive, which most Linux users can extract, however Windows users will need a separate program to extract the files from these types of archives. PowerArchiver is a free program that will let you extract just about any type of archive in Windows, including gzip and tar archives.

Always be sure you have installed the latest updates and/or patches for the script as well as for any additional add-ons. Updates are very important to the security and proper functioning of the script! Our instructions may be for earlier versions of scripts due to the fact that we are not able to keep up with updates to every script at all times. It is still up to the domain owner to install and use the latest version of these scripts.


Remember that only your main account can access CGI scripts on your server. Any hosting or extra FTP accounts that access these scripts may cause your account to be deactivated and you'll have to contact support.

For Geeklog to work correctly, please do not put it or it's directories inside your cgi-bin directory. If you do, the script may not work. It's best to use a separate directory and leave the cgi-bin directory for your smaller scripts.


  1. Extract the files from the Geeklog archive to a directory on your hard drive.

  2. Open the config.php file in a text editor. Change $_DB_name = 'geeklog'; to $_DB_name = 'yourdomaincom'; where yourdomaincom should be replaced with your actual domain name omitting the dot.

    Change $_DB_user = 'username'; to $_DB_user = 'yourdomaincom';
    where yourdomaincom should be replaced with your actual domain name omitting the dot.

    Change $_DB_pass = 'password'; by replacing password with your MySQL password.

    Change $_CONF['path'] = '/path/to/geeklog/'; to
    $_CONF['path'] = '/var/www/sites/';
    replacing with your actual domain name and geeklog with the name of the directory you will create on your server where your Geeklog site will go. Remember this directory name!

    Change $_CONF['site_url'] = ''; to
    $_CONF['site_url'] = '';
    replacing with your actual domain name and geeklog with the name of the directory you will create on your server where your Geeklog site will go. Use the same directory name you used above for the $_CONF['path'].

    Save this file.

  3. Open the lib-common.php file from the Geeklog's public_html directory and change

    require_once( '/path/to/geeklog/config.php' );


    require_once( '/var/www/sites/' );

    replacing with your actual domain name and geeklog with the name of the directory you will create on your server where your Geeklog site will go. Use the same directory name you used above for the $_CONF['path'].

  4. Create a new text files called htaccess.txt and type in the following:

    <Files ".ht*">
    deny from all
    php_flag register_globals on

    Save this file as htaccess.txt and upload it to the Geeklog directory on your CGI server.

  5. Log into your CGI server and create a directory called geeklog or whatever you decided to name your site in the steps above. Upload all the files and directories from the Geeklog directory on your hard drive to the new directory on your CGI server. There are quite a few files, so this may take awhile for those with dial-up connections.

  6. Rename the htaccess.txtfile to .htaccess and then change the file permissions of the config.php file to 666. Change the file permissions of the logs, data, and public_html directories to 777. Move to the logs directory and change the file permissions of all the files to 666. Move to the public_html directory and change the file permissions of the backend and images directories to 777. Move to the backend directory and change the file permission of the geeklog.rdf file to 666. Move up one directory back to the public_html directory, then move to the images directory and change the file permissions of the articles and userphotos directories to 777.

  7. Point your browser to replacing with your actual domain name and geeklog with the name of the directory you uploaded your Geeklog files to. Read through the information, and then at the bottom under the Installation Options, you should leave the options at default which should be New Database for the installation type, and /var/www/sites/ for the path (where should show up as your actual domain name instead. Click the Next button.

  8. You will now be taken to the Step 2 page. Click the Next button.

  9. Log into your CGI server and delete the public_html/admin/install directory from your Geeklog directory.


  1. Point your web browser to and read the first message. Note that there are two accounts, admin and moderator. Note that the password for these two accounts is password. You will need to log into each account using the login on the left side, and then change the passwords of each account. First log in as Admin using password for a password.

  2. Scroll down to see the User Functions in the left sidebar. Click on the Account Information link. Change your password here and also other items such as email, etc. Click on the Save Information button at the bottom of the page when done. NOTE: Be careful chosing an email address! You must use separate email addresses for each account so pick one that is not the same as one you intend to use for your moderator account.

  3. On the left side in User Functions, click on the Log Out link.

  4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 above to set up the Moderator account, loging in as Moderator with the password as password. Change this in your Account Information area. Log out when done then log back in as the Adminstrator and you'll find an Admins Only area in the left sidebar where you can set up your site. Please consult the Geeklog site for more information on how to set your site up.


I get a database error when I try to run Geeklog.

Be sure that you have set up the configuration properly. For more information, please see I get a database error when I try to run a script that accesses the MySQL database.


If you have any problems or questions about Geeklog, please contact the author at the Geeklog site.

Active Web Hosting may not be able to provide support for this program or it's installation.

Alternative Software:

Below you'll find a list of alternative software that you may also want to try. Click on the program name to go to the author's site. Click on the 'Tutorial' link to view our installation tutorial.


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